Estadio Atanasio Girardot

Estadio Atanasio Girardot, Carrera 74, Laureles - Estadio, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia


1 Hour

Service Type

Outdoor Activities

Group up to

8 persons




If you’re a sports buff looking for a cultural experience, the soccer experience in Medellin can’t be overlooked.

The experience is simple. There are two major soccer teams in Medellín (Atletico Nacional and Independiente Medellín). Both teams have a wild fanbase and often compete for major titles. We have season passes so we put together a trip out to the stadium (located just 20 minutes away from the city center).

Once your crew decides who’s down for the game, we assign a guide and transportation to ensure your safety and comfort. With this step completed, we take the drive to the Estadio Atanasio Girardot a few hours before. This way, you can really feel the vibe of the soccer experience in Medellin.

With freshly fried empanadas, cold local beers and a plethora of beautiful women at every corner, we make the decision of entering the stadium. Depending on where you sit (we sit at or as near VIP as possible) you’ll enjoy the fervor of the home team that won’t stop cheering. Even when their team is down.

Our Soccer experience is an activity for those who love sports and want to feel the intensity of soccer in South America. Add in the amazing views of the mountains in the background and this is an unreal experience. Surely, one of the highlights of your trip.

You don’t have to be a fan of soccer to enjoy the excursion. Soccer in South America is a passion and this will be an afternoon (or evening) filled with excitement, action, and lots of yelling. Not to be confused with the pool party you’ll likely set up after the game is over.

Art & Culture

Cultural Tours

Service Location

Estadio Atanasio Girardot, Carrera 74, Laureles - Estadio, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia


$15.00 / per 30 Mins


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